How Can We Help?
Call us if/when you can identify with any of the following:
You're struggling with your child/youth's repeated absences from school or refusal to attend school.
Your child/youth shows aggression towards others, is bullying others or is being bullied.
Your youth's substance use or refusal to comply with home rules is causing major conflict among family members.
Your child/youth has or is at risk for harming him/herself.
Your child experienced a major loss or change (death, divorce, relocation, etc.) or perhaps a traumatic event and is not adjusting well.
Your child is suffering from a mental health condition.
Your child has/is suspended, expelled or placed in an alternative school.
Your child has trouble with the law or has been placed out of the home for any reason.
**This is not an exclusive list.
For more information, questions, or to speak with Rebecca, our Intake Coordinator, e-mail or call 225.332.8655.
You may submit a referral by filling out a referral form online and by clicking "submit." If you have questions, please contact us or call 985-232-3930.